Autumn in Busan

It is always exciting to experience a new place for the first time. Actually it feels much the same way for us, now that the season has changed from summer to autumn here in Busan. In fact, it came quite suddenly. For a month ago or so it was still hot, and we could sit out on the balcony and eat breakfast, but that’s over now. The humid summer air is replaced by a cool and dry wind which, in some ways is sad as we are not able to spend as much time outside, on the other hand also has brought some kind of relief. At the same time, the landscape is now covered in enchanting autumn colors.

In late October, we had the fireworks festival in Busan. It is held yearly with huge fireworks on Gwangali Bridge. This is very close to where we live. There is a building blocking our view so that we cannot see the bridge completely, hence we visited a colleague who lives on level 63 in one of the neighboring buildings. From here we had great views of the bridge. Unfortunately, most of the fireworks was presented from barges that were in front of the bridge, in an area we could not see as another building blocked the view. -However we had the noise and an enjoyable evening!

The first half of November went quickly with a busy time at the school, at work and at home, with preparations for Rikke’s and Marcus’ trip to Denmark. Simon and Emil has spent a lot of energy in their band, and the highlight was when they played a concert at the school during a major sporting event.

This last week, the boys has had vacation, actually we all had a holiday since last Thursday. It has been great to have some time together as a family. Thursday we went for a drive to Miryang, about 60 km northwest of Busan. It was a great experience to get out of town and enjoy the beautiful mountain landscape dressed in autumn colors. A drive around the maze of the small mountain town Pyochungno and a walk at the nearby temple were some of the great experiences of this trip.
Friday we spent some time baking Christmas cookies and decorating for Christmas. It is different that the seasons now are right again. We usually have all the Christmas preparations, when summer really sets in, but it’s actually quite nice that Christmas is now in the cold and dark time.

Now, the holiday is so over, and we are recharged for a new work week. It is a great privilege when both weekdays and holidays are good!

We have uploaded a photo album in from our experiences in the autumn.

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